[url=]What is SISP.doc[/url]
i am trying how to use fileden
Friday, December 12, 2008
try and try
Sunday, November 30, 2008
my life.... my plans... my everything 10 years from now...
Hello everyone!
It’s about 06:53 in the morning!
This topic is really tough knowing that it deals with my future; I had to come up with 3000 words (sir peace!).When I was about to write my reflections on this topic, the song “impossible dream” was in the air (what a coincidence!). The lines were “to dream the impossible dream……..” (hayz, is this for real?)
Let me talk about my experiences on how I land as an information technology student here in usep. (In every future, there is always a past… hehehe, sir peace! )
When I was still in high school, I was really unsure of what course I am going to take in college, I must admit that computing was really not my strong point or one of my strengths. I was undecided. I had my sleepless nights and all I did was thinking about what course I am going to take knowing that I am the one who will make or break my future. It all depends on me. In short, it is I who will be making my own life.
Honestly speaking, it is my classmates in high school brought me to Info Tech. they said, in usep, info tech is good (good? hehehe). I took the risk, not knowing what awaits me there. during the interview (actually it was sir val quimno who interviewed me) in IC, sir val asked me “why usep?”,”why info tech?” Why usep? I answered simply that usep produce quality and globally competitive graduates and I want to be one of those, my parents also have graduated in this university, they adviced me to enroll here, the tuition fee is also cheap. then why information technology? again, i answered, info tech will bring out the best in me.
Gladly I passed; I was really shocked and surprised on what info tech really is. When I looked at the prospectus of my course, I really do not know or I do not have any idea on those major subjects in my chose course! (tagam!)
Many mind-boggling questions filled my mind, whether I am sure with the course or am I willing to risk my future in this course and so on. So, I have decided to pursue Info Tech, whatever it takes, I have started it already, there’s no turning back (bantay bitaw!).
During my first year in this course, it went well, until the end of that semester, a tragic incident came into my life. I failed in one subject (that’s algebra!), that was a big slap on my face. It was the first time that I failed in a subject. I was so down that time that I was able to punch the wall of the engineering building without even feeling the hurt in my hand. I have been crying all night, that I kneeled down and I asked God what’s the purpose of my failure, asked Him to give me the strength and courage to overcome my failure. So I did overcome it, as they say “you can not go on well in life until you let go of your past failures”. I was able to pass algebra without taking the removal examination of Mam Maui (ONE of my favorite teachers in IC, yes! Really! We’re friends in friendster!)
In my programming subjects, I failed once (courtesy of Sir Ariel, Sir Peace again!)
But I conquer it (I have no choice but I have to pass the subject in order for me to still stay with IC), I passed Programming 1 with again Mam Maui around, she was also my teacher in Programming 2, I passed again (Mam Maui na gud!). But in my Programming III, at that time I got tired with what’s going on with my life. I was so frustrated with the subject, I almost failed, for the reasons that I am so tired with the subject, my classmates have no hopes if they can still pass it, they planned to shift to other course or some of them planned to transfer to other schools. And with that, my project in midterm failed, that Mam Teng (my instructor that time) told me about it without hesitation. I was so sensitive, very down that time but I refused to give up; I’ll give it one more shot, so, during our final project, I was able to finish my project on time and presented it to Mam Teng and Sir Michael. Gladly I passed. What else do I have to tell?
Honestly, I am really happy that I never failed for 4 consecutive semesters, so right now (though I’m one year behind) I’m a 3rd year regular Info Tech student in IC.
Last semester, during our Accounting subject, we were grouped by 4, we were tasked to do a simple accounting system. We are all girls in the group (Sheryl Caguimbaga, Cherry Ann Montejo, Mary Rossini Diamante and yours truly). That time I felt that our teacher (without mentioning the name) underestimated my group knowing that all the other groups are really good in making and developing a system (most of them are boys who are really good! No doubt about it!). I was challenged by the way our teacher treated us and the situation itself. So I talked to my team members about it, I assigned them to do the design and the documents in MIS and Accounting, and I will do the rest. I took the challenge, I expect the unexpected to happen, after the analysis, documents and design had already been done, it’s my turn to work. I must admit that I really had a difficult time doing the system knowing that the deadline is fast-approaching. For me, nothing can hinder me to do what I have to do. So, before the deadline, I was able to finish it and actually prepared for the presentation. Again the quote “expect the unexpected” prevailed. I was then shocked that our instructor admired what we have done with our system. Some of my classmates were not able to finish the system. At that time, my confidence boost to the highest level. If the boys can do it, the girls can do it also.
my classmates would always tell me stuffs like “you’re good!”, ”you have a good future in IT!”. It’s a really a humbling feeling (and also a pressure to me, hehehe) that other people would tell me these things. But what really matters to me is that I have tried and have given my best in everything I do.
And on my part, if my fellow ICEAN students (most especially to those students who underestimate their selves) will give their best and tried in everything they do, they will also succeed and conquer their fears in their respective subjects. As they say, “not everything is meant to be but everything is worth a try”.
Now, after the long story of my life in IC, I will lay my plans on who am I 10 years from now, and worthy of being called an IT professional. Frankly speaking, I really wanted to work in Hollywood not as an Actress or a Singer (though I also know how to sing), but I want to collaborate with the best people who work for movies making great special effects and animations (I think Universal Studios is the place to be). I am great fan of James Bond, and the special effects are really great! Plus the action moves of the actors in the movie or what I mean is the exciting fight scenes. Just yesterday I watched DIE ANOTHER DAY (a James Bond movie), I really love the car of Mr. Bond (which it was given to Him), why? One of its feature is it has the camouflage effect (we all know what camouflage is, right?). The tire of the car has spikes, meaning, it can crawl and stick in the walls like Spiderman do. Someday, I could have that one (hopefully! If I’ll study well and stick with my plans). Why do I want to collaborate with those people in Universal Studios? Personally, I really want to learn from them, I may have creative things on my mind but nothing compares to them, with their years of experiences with their chosen career. But being a member in Universal Studios means that I am receiving big salary (but with the economic crisis happening in the US, big pa rin kaya?) Anyway, most Filipinos dreamed of becoming rich (with the crisis we are in nowadays, who the hell are those people who don’t want to be rich? Right?). On my part, nothing compares of earning money in my own way, my own efforts and as the tagalong quote “sariling pawis”. I myself is in indulge in business right now, I had experienced in doing computer services, tutorials in computer or even in Math subjects. Also, I would like to share to my fellow officemates in US (Universal Studios) one of the things that I have learned here that will truly make a great impact to them, the Green Campus Computing. Knowing that we are the great contributors on the Global Warming (or the energy we use) and also the usage of Free and Open Source Software.
Anyway going back on the topic (where did I go?), after being known in the Hollywood as one of the most brilliant ones (hehehehe) and after giving pride and honor to our country, one of my plans is to go back to my country, here in the Philippines. I (10 years from now), armed with the knowledge learned from Universal Studios and experiences outside the country, I’d like to bring Universal Studios here in the Philippines by planning to put up a company (same as Universal Studios but not to compete with them, maybe a friendly competition, hehehe) that will give opportunities to my fellow Filipino people express and show their talents. The company will collaborate with the Television Networks here in the Philippines (The Kapuso and the Kapamilya etc.) and we as Filipino people will show to the world that we Filipinos can do what the other countries can do in the field of special effects and animations. After that, since nowadays, outsourcing is the new trend here in the Philippines; when we say Outsourcing, it is the process of contracting computer center operations, telecommunications, networks or application development to external vendors. My company would also be called as a solution center, where we provide the clients with repeatable or reusable processes, models, and architectures for solving common information system problems. Our works can be outsourced. Probably with my connections in other countries, or maybe Kate Mariel who is in Japan and working as an IT consultant there(based on here blog) would suggest to her company if they can outsource their system (malay ba natin,diba?).
Also one of my plans (since I have a lot of experiences and I am a certified expert on this field) is to share my knowledge with other people (not chitchats or whatever). First on my list, I want to share it with the USEP community, not just with my co-ICEANS but also to other students that are really interested in my field of work. Share to them my knowledge in Green Campus Computing and Free and Open Source Software which I have learned during my college years (assuming that I have graduated already!)
And I want also to train them (with my whole commitment) in my own company, so, USEP, be ready! And as long as there are people who are interested with my field of work, I will be there, providing them training and opportunity (based on my experience in applying in a call center….hmmp! I have learned my lesson! I won’t do what they did to me! That sucks! ), it is still up to them (people who are interested) if they’ll grab the opportunity or not. In addition, I would want to train teachers in public schools on how to use technology with the way they’ll be teaching. In other words, I’ll suggest to them, incorporating technology with education to enhance their ability to teach and be able to encourage their students to study or simply to listen and learn from their lessons in different way. Because based on my observations nowadays, children are into technology and children can understand and retain new lessons more quickly if it is attached or anchored to a material which is exciting to them or visually attractive to them. The teachers can explain lessons using Animes or Cartoons (of course, the Animations are done by my company, ahaha). My idea would be my company can collaborate with the Philippine Government right? My visions may not be as the same as the others but what I have in mind right now is to help other people, in that way, I am able to provide the opportunities or I will be opening the doors to reach their dreams and also on my part I am able to reach my dreams also (not just rich in money but also in the sociological and emotional aspect of myself). This may sound funny, but this is what I want to be.
Now that I have laid my visions in life or who am I going to be 10 years from now, the next question would be “how am I going to do that?”
As what I have remembered, Sir Randy (during his homily last November 24) brings in the idea of SWOT (an acronym that means STRENGTH, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, THREATS). The acronym above will lead me on how am I going to achieve.
Well then, let’s start with the letter S-Strength. When we say strength, it is where we are good at, attitude, ability or skills. My strengths (hmmm..) first, I am optimistic. Optimism
Or being positive all through out is what I have. I am a type of person that never gives up on anything, just like my team in PBA (the fact that I really love watching and even playing basketball) the “walang kamatayang” Brgy. Ginebra Gin Kings, they have this motto “never say die”. Even if there star player a.k.a Mark Caguioa is not around, they still battle out with all their best. Just like in my life, I’ve gone through a lot, ever since during my grade school years up to now. These were really tough problems (not to mention it, I’ll post it on my blog,hehehehe) and I never thought I’d be encountering those. Nowadays, it takes a lot of patience and courage to look or find for a job, but if you give up that easily, then you’re a loser. I do not want to be called a loser. I believe that life is accompanied with problems, challenges whether it may be small or big rocks but for me, those rocks will make strong and tough, it has its own purpose and will be my climbing tool to reach my goals in life. And that’s on my first strength! Next would be, I am willing to know and learn new things or venturing in to something new or I am open to something new. Of course, in this fast pace digital world, everything is changing, from diskettes to USB or CD, from desktops to laptops and even viruses in our PC’s. They say nothing is constant except change, right? On my personal side, I love listening to other people because when you listen you will be able to learn something new from them or learn something from their experiences. Also, I love to venture in to something new. Actually, I am into business right now. I am into direct selling, this type of selling is not my specialty, but I just want to try it, conquer my shyness and some other insecurities.
Of course with the guidance of my parents who are also in to business.
I just have to enumerate the rest. I am a risk-taker, knowing that life is also a matter of risks. It is just an issue of guts and how do you look at your problems. And lastly, I love to conquer my fears just like in Pinoy Fear Factor. Actually, there are lots of what if’s on my mind, but I simply ask myself, how am I going to solve those what if’s if I won’t try to work on it or even deal with it? Finally, one attitude I am truly proud of, I know how to “makisama” with other people.
Anyway, let me point out my weakness. As of this time,My shyness is the primary factor. Right now, I am going out of my shell, taking one step at a time (though there are times that I am shy at first but as time goes by there goes the confident Mariechelle, ahahahah). Then
Let me go now to the opportunities, well, there are lots of opportunities when it comes to IT, specifically in other countries, as what the news said, Australia needs IT professionals. Even here in the Philippines, there are also opportunities. As what I have remembered, during our company visit with MyndTech Management Services, they do outsourcing and they emphasized that people do not need to be away from their families to earn or go to abroad. But here goes the threats, because of the in demand of IT, there will be competition among individuals just like in nursing, they were overpopulated and other countries does not need nurses anymore and lastly, as what Sir Randy said, CHED did not expect that outsourcing will boom in our country, I think the threat here is the UNEXPERIENCE of the individuals. I myself am agreeing with this.
On my part, I still have lots of things to improve on myself, not just in academic view but also in my personality and attitude. On the academic side, as of this time, I want to give my best in all of my subjects. Since I am a frustrated animator, I would not give up and will take the initiative to explore the softwares available in the internet (just like blender, and it is an open-source software), join forums that discusses those topics, be indulged in seminars, ask questions to my classmates who knows about it and lastly never stop learning. And many more!
To end this, I just want to make a statement: “our future will always depend on our decisions today, so plan and prepare ahead of time, of course be prepared for the consequences or the problems that you will be encountering. Dream what you have to dream; be what you want to be, because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do!” God Bless Everyone!
Monday, November 24, 2008
“If you fail to prepare, then you are prepared to fail”
This quote was the first thing that came up to my mind when we had our pre-discussion (in which my professor in MIS II considered it as homily, ahaha) yesterday at the IC-LAB II for our Management Information Systems II at around
Seriously speaking, Sir Randy (as we call him), is such a nice person, he knows how to deal with his students. I myself consider him as a cool teacher. He adopted his mom’s principle in teaching “he didn’t teach to live but he lives to teach”. Whew! That’s why he is well-respected in our college. He doesn’t hesitate to share his knowledge and experiences to his students.
It was a long talk of course with regards to our major paper (considered as a project for the whole class) and at the same time he challenged each of his students to plan for the future. PLANNING is what we do everyday, right? Mothers plan on what food she’ll be preparing for his family. Also, the armed forces are always planning (specifically strategic planning) to gain competitive advantage to the enemies of the state. Even we, students, plan what we’ll gonna do during the day or the activities that we’ll do for this day, maybe this week or probably for this month. But have we thought about planning for our future? This question is so tough that, I, personally have questioned myself (it’s really mind-boggling).
as of this time, i have lots of things in my mind on what i want to be or who will be "mariechelle" in the future. probably i still have to organize my ideas on it (toink, i still have to practice my writing isn't it?).
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
an enlightining interview....
"id rather make things happen than waiting for something to happen", words given by Mr. Alfredo Tesoro, VP-Admin of DCT Printshop.
just this afternoon, we were given the chance by mr.alfredo tesoro, the VP-Admin of DCT Printshop Inc.
at first, we were really nervous on how to ask them if we can conduct a study in their company,we were passed on the production department then to the accounting department so on and so forth..
as we were having a talk with my group at the reception area of their company, mr. tesoro approached us and asked if there's something he can do for us. he invited us in his office and starts to answer our questions. aside from the topics related to academics, he also imparted tips on dealing with other people, how he manage his people in the company and even outside the company. he's very jolly and he never hesitated to share his knowledge. The discussion was full of words of wisdom and its really very enlightening.
i'll just recall those words... wait...
"it is not always trust,it's control"
my brain is drained!
i'll just share it with you guys tomorrow!
Friday, September 19, 2008
insource vs. outsource
to set the record straight (coz the difference between the two were defined by my classmates already,hehe), i'd choose insource..
first, the cost is less. Since USEP is a government owned and the budget is not that big.
next, why do we outsource if we have skilled students and faculty? why not use the hidden capabilities of our students and faculty (of course, this will really benefit the IC,hehe)
since it's insource we are in control of the information that is being used by the System.
lastly,whenever the system will encounter problems we can immediately fix it or call the technical staff or team assigned to develop and maintain the system.
i still have things in mind right now..
but i still can' t organize it...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
it's been a long time!!! hayz...
it's been really a long time since my last post...
it's a long story to tell..
the story goes like this..
my grandpa had been in the hospital for quite some time because of some complications of his diabetes and high blood, there was also a sore at the right of his face just below his right ear. we all thought that it was just a simple soreness but as days goes by, he had high fever and he was always complaining about his headache.
saturday night, while i was watching PDA, my grandma was shouting with fear saying my grandpa can't take it anymore... i refused to cry and give up while watching them holding their hands, instead of crying, i immediately called my aunt and uncle telling them what was going on that time..
my grandpa was immediately rushed to the hospital that night..
after a day, Dr. Lopez(my grandpa's doctor) told us that my grandpa should be operated. the sore below his right ear is not a simple case of sickness, it had to be immediately be removed before something bad will happen.
after seeking for 16,000 (downpayment, ahahay..), my grandpa was operated that afternoon..
since i'm the only person that is not so busy, i was tasked to be there for my grandpa,
my grandpa told me once.. "she's my grand daughter, my caregiver.."
funny it may seem but it's true..
i had a lot of "my firsts" in the hospital..
~ i had to wake up as early as 2 am so that my grandpa's med's be approved by the cashier of the hospital..
~i had to wipe my grandpa's ass (ahehe, i really can't find the right word.. if you have suggestions,please leave a comment..) whenever he make some "pupu" on the lavatory..
~ my first time to hold 50,000 cash in hand..(whew! a lot of money huh!)
and a lot more..
to end this..
i just realized that we should treasure every moment of our lives. treasure the people around us (our family,friends, teachers etc..)
make them feel that they are loved
coz we don't know what will happen next..
my grandpa is ok now, praise God!
Fortunately, I was able to watch the SONA of our President. i really admire her inspite of the difficulties she had gone through all these years (or on her term as the president), why? it's because she wantslong term solutions to our problems and not the other way around. but why do people keep on protesting ? as far as i can remember they were also the people that put her on that position when president estrada was accused of corruption etc ? hayz.. on my part this is really confusing! so much with that (i was run by my emotions, hehe)
anyway, back on the topic..
here are some parts of her speech in which she talked about ICT ..
~"Our P 350 million training partnership with the private sector should qualify 60,000 for call centers, medical transcription, animation and software development, which have a projected demand of one million workers generating $13 billion by 2010." - President Arroyo. ~
-- WOW!! (as in capslock jud xa!) this statement (if ever implemented) will be a great opportunity for us students(the techi people as what sir randy said)who would really want to pursue or practice what we have learned. Also, these will open the doors for our Filipino animators to expose and show other countries their works of art (murag painting, hehe) and if other countries can do it, Philippines can also do it. (Love your own gud). In addition, these would showcase the world-class talents that the Philippines have.
~"Our costly commodity imports like oil and rice should be offset by hard commodities exports like primary products, and soft ones like tourism and cyberservices, at which only India beats us." - President Arroyo.~
-- i can relate the statement above on the company we adopted(MyndTech Management Services). they do websites, softwares (or what PGMA called cyberservices)for the companies in US and Sweden. As what i have said above, this will showcase the world-class talents of our fellow Filipino people.
~"Texting is a way of life. I asked the telecoms to cut the cost of messages between networks. They responded. It is now down to 50 centavos" - President Arroyo~
-- As what the president stated "texting is a way of life" ( pa jud si GMA that time, tapos palakpakan ang mga tao! toinkz! i was able to watch it man gud, maayo nang ma.imagine pud nato! ahehe) well for me, it's not that helpful enough because telecom networks do have their own style of promoting their networks just like in Talk n' Text, Smart and Globe they have their own unlimited text messages for 1 day for just 15-20 pesos.
to end this, we should not depend on what the government can give us, rather, we'll do our part as the citizens of these country, wag na tayong dumagdag pa sa problema, dapat tayong magkaisa para sa mas ikauunlad ng ating bansa!
if given a chance to become an IT consultant i will.....
students and employees in USEP are always complaining on the slow internet connection, that's why students would prefer to go the internet cafe's near our school (what a way to waste money, to think we are paying 200 pesos for virtual library and 200 pesos for computer laboratory fees, asan na pera namin???)
here are some problems based on my observations:
~no budget alloted for upgrading computers (or even buying new ones).
--hay! why not ask help in non-government organizations? or to the politicians (elections are 2 years from now right?). by the way, the students are paying 200 pesos for virtual library and 200 laboratory fees, if the university has 2000 students ( 2000*Php400=Php800,000) with the amount calculated we can purchase or upgrade computers right?
~the primary problem of the university is the usage of old hardware (old servers and workstations)
--even if our internet connection is in good shape, it will still be useless if our university is using old hardwares. my suggestion would be upgrade servers and workstations.
~the computer laboratories are prone to computer viruses
-- we really cannot deny that students are using their usb's, my suggestion would be, the university should have an anti-virus, there are some open source anti-virus available in the internet, why not download it?
also, the university should have a reliable internet provider. Universities should use T1 or T3.innovating our school networking systems and also wise choice of network technology to fit the needs of the school. Also we as part of the university, we should be responsible enough to handle computers or accessing the internet.
Lastly, the administration should give their all out support to the team who have been working hard to find solutions to the problems with the internet connectivity in our university.
What are the risks associated with business and IS/IT change?
they say "nothing is constant except change". yes, it's true, we do change and so as with IT and IS. But have we realized or assessed what are the possible risks?
based on the research i've made(this topic is really tough!ahehe), the risks are the following:
1. Loss of Integrity. System and data integrity refers to the requirement that information be secured from inappropriate alteration. Integrity is lost if unauthorized changes are made to the data or IT system by either intentional or accidental acts. If the loss of system or data integrity is not corrected, continued use of the contaminated system or corrupted data could result in inaccuracy and incorrect decisions. In addition, violation of integrity may be the first step in a successful attack against system availability or secrecy. For all these reasons, loss of integrity reduces the assurance of an IT system.
2. Loss of Availability. If a mission-critical IT system is unavailable to its end users, the organization’s mission may be affected. Loss of system functionality and operational effectiveness, for example, may result in loss of productive time, thus impeding the end users’ performance of their functions in supporting the organization’s mission.
3. Loss of Confidentiality. System and data confidentiality refers to the protection of information from unauthorized disclosure. The impact of unauthorized disclosure of confidential information can range from the jeopardizing of national security to the disclosure of Privacy Act data. Unauthorized, unanticipated, or unintentional disclosure could result in loss of public confidence, embarrassment, or legal action against the organization.
still for me, whenever we want change we should have proper planning so that the risks be properly assessed and when the time comes that we'll be encountering the consequences we can have proper and long time solution to these problems
the barriers of IS and IT
i really had a hard time looking for the barriers, but gladly, i found this site( sadly, sheryl caguimbaga and i are the same ~
All of us are encountering barriers or hindrances in what we want to do or achieve . And so with IS and IT. Yes, there are a lot of hindrances (aka barriers) and these are the following:
1. Lack of resources/budget - Of course, in IS/IT ,the company should have the resources or the budget, because having a system requires maintenance, probably hardware replacements etc.
2. Unskilled staff – . As what I’ve said above, systems need to be maintained and monitored from time to time. the technical people doesn’t have much experience on maintaining the system, as a result, this will become a barrier to the success of the system.
3. Lack of preparation and planning
4. Technical problems
5. The system changes the flow of the information in the company.
To sum it up, the success of a system goes into the proper planning and preparation. Proper assesment of funds,resources and staff. The company should impose guidelines. And last but not the least, proper communication between the administration and the technical people.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
do you know this person??
if you do, please call 911 or DSWD..
the davao's pride!
kim sam soon of davao, if you want to have an autograph from this person...
just call
911 or DSWD!!
sorry sa maigo!! hehe
berks nko ni!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
why ?
it's raining outside, isn't it?
stuck in zycor for about an hour now..
just to be honest with you guys... i really don't know what to say or write as of this time.
i'm filled with so much anger, frustrations, why it happened..
hmm.. i just want to cry now, honestly..
i've loved him so much but what happened?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
best practices of IS/IT
Hello everyone!
Talking about best practices in IS/IT, it really took me quite sometime on how to organize my ideas or to come up with my essay (but gladly,i was able to sort it out,hehe ). Hmm, it was around 4 am when I woke up (hehe).
For me, here are some best practices of IS/IT
Proper planning. Everything we do, we plan. And so with IS/IT. Proper planning will help in guiding us what will happen next or what are the next steps. The decisions regarding scope definition, staff and resource usage and assessment expectations should be developed, and documented in a project plan. In planning, the team should also consider the security risks of the system. Planning also provides us goals to be achieved. Ask employees what would make their work efficient and effective. The team should know the business procedures/processes; this would ensure that the system follows the business procedures. In addition, the team should research the availability of the resources. The team should have a proper assessment on the cost of the project. The team should make sure that the software that they’ll be using in the project should suit the needs of the company. The team should have a time line on the implementation of the project. This will help the employees know or understand more the new application. Also, the success of any application is greatly dependent on the training provided by the company to the employees or the users of the application. The training given is very essential to ensure that the end-users are tuned in to, capable with Application enhancements (if there are new releases). Continuous learning also deals with the training needs of the staff. The project doesn’t end with the implementation part, but this should involve the monitoring and maintenance of the system.
To sum up everything, the success of an application depends on both parties namely: the project team and the company. Without the proper coordination and communication between the two, the system will be senseless.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Why do you think IS/IT systems fails?
There are so many factors on why information systems fail. But let me define first what an information system is. For me, information system is a blending of software, hardware, peopleware and communication technology that is used to manage or handle informations related to a company or business.
For me, there are lots of reasons on why Information Systems fail.
1. Unclear requirements ~ this is one of the real reasons on why IS fail, the team should be well informed or they should understand the objectives/ goals of their project. Goals provide direction that will make the project successful.
2. Lack of good preparation (proper time and cost estimate)
3. Lack of administration support.
4. The system doesn’t reach the goals/objectives of the project.
5. The system doesn’t satisfy the needs of the organization.
6. Unskilled staff ~ information systems doesn’t end in just introducing it to the company but it should be well implemented and monitored from time to time, without competitive staff that can handle problems on the system, then it will be a failure.
7. Lack of Unity or teamwork ~ this can be solved through good communication between the team and the administration.
8. Lack of resources/ budget.

special thanks to:
for the pictures:
zycor internet cafe (hehe)
my mom for the money..
open source softwares
Open source software (OSS) from the word itself is a kind of software that is free to use, can easily be downloaded from the internet and you can have it without paying a single peso from your pocket. Also the Encarta encyclopedia defined Open Source Software as a form of software in which the original source code is openly available for users to examine and modify, and to use to run or to create computer programs. A central feature of open source software is that users can review the software, add features to it or hire programmers to add features, or fix errors known as bugs, rather than wait for the original software publisher or creator to release a “patch” or bring out a new version. With open source software, programmers—many of them nonprofessionals—contribute to the computing community by making their improvements and bug fixes available to other users.
During my research, there was an article that was published in Manila Standard, one of our lawmakers Cong. Teddy CasiƱo passed a bill referring to the usage of OSS in government agencies, schools and universities. For me, it’s a good decision and would be a stepping stone for the State Colleges and Universities here in the Philippines because OSS provides advantages and benefits.
These are the following:
~ Since OSS is a FREE software (as defined above), we can download these softwares in the internet. In addition, we don’t have to worry about the licensing process.
~ Our government really doesn’t have the budget to have brand new computers or upgrade the computers. With OSS, we are not required to upgrade. If we are not yet familiar with these softwares, there are so many tutorials and modules available in the internet. It may not be user-friendly, but with enough patience and courage, we’ll be able to understand it.
~ We have the permission to use and distribute the software in any way.
USEP can adopt OSS by informing the current administration the practical benefits as well as the advantages of using OSS. Also conduct seminars, forums or discussions that would enable our teachers and my fellow students know more about open source softwares and that we can use it for education. In addition, we can save money by using OSS. And let the administration spend the money in more important things. Also, as an IT student, I’ll be able to explore my knowledge on animations (one of my goals is to know how to do some animation), there are OS softwares that cater my needs (example: BLENDER )
Thursday, June 19, 2008
We really can't deny the fact that computers are very essential in everyone's life. It’s part of our personal needs, most especially to us, students. We do our projects, paper works and our research with the help of computers (particularly the internet). Green campus computing is a study based on how we can conserve energy and resources but still using the gadget or technologies, in other words, green campus computing refers to proper ways of using computers.
Based on my research, I’ve collected some practical tips on how green computing can be adopted in our school.
· Do not leave the computer running when no one is using it. (turn off the computer when not in use)
· If you still want to relax after a long period of research (and still not yet done) put off your monitor or put it into standby mode.
· Review documents or your papers before printing (this will conserve energy at the same time bond papers).
· Recycle papers when printing. (Preferably, print at the back).
· Turn off speakers or enhancements when not in use.
· Use e-mail as an alternative communication (whether you want it to pass documents to your friends etc.) instead of printing them out.
· And most of all orient the employees and students on how to be responsible in using computers. (cooperation is the word)
Here are some url’s in which it talks about green campus computing
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
a nice quote from the forum
the qoute goes like this..when there's something you want
fight for it. dont give up no matter how hopeless it seems even when you've lost hope coz years from now you're gonna look back and wish you gave it one more shot cause the best things in life don't come easy...
thanks to athina
we were classmates in Rizal and recently in OR
a very nice quote
"nabuhayan ko!"
Thursday, June 12, 2008
at last!
hmmm...this is my new blog(0bviously,hehehe)
i still have nothing to talk or to share about...
got to go!!