Sunday, September 7, 2008

the barriers of IS and IT

i really had a hard time looking for the barriers, but gladly, i found this site(No sadly, sheryl caguimbaga and i are the same ~
All of us are encountering barriers or hindrances in what we want to do or achieve Sad . And so with IS and IT. Yes, there are a lot of hindrances (aka barriers) and these are the following:
1. Lack of resources/budget - Of course, in IS/IT ,the company should have the resources or the budget, because having a system requires maintenance, probably hardware replacements etc.
2. Unskilled staff – . As what I’ve said above, systems need to be maintained and monitored from time to time. the technical people doesn’t have much experience on maintaining the system, as a result, this will become a barrier to the success of the system.
3. Lack of preparation and planning
4. Technical problems
5. The system changes the flow of the information in the company.
To sum it up, the success of a system goes into the proper planning and preparation. Proper assesment of funds,resources and staff. The company should impose guidelines. And last but not the least, proper communication between the administration and the technical people.


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