Monday, November 24, 2008

“If you fail to prepare, then you are prepared to fail”

This quote was the first thing that came up to my mind when we had our pre-discussion (in which my professor in MIS II considered it as homily, ahaha) yesterday at the IC-LAB II for our Management Information Systems II at around 8am while my classmates were still preparing for the presentation.

Seriously speaking, Sir Randy (as we call him), is such a nice person, he knows how to deal with his students. I myself consider him as a cool teacher. He adopted his mom’s principle in teaching “he didn’t teach to live but he lives to teach”. Whew! That’s why he is well-respected in our college. He doesn’t hesitate to share his knowledge and experiences to his students.

It was a long talk of course with regards to our major paper (considered as a project for the whole class) and at the same time he challenged each of his students to plan for the future. PLANNING is what we do everyday, right? Mothers plan on what food she’ll be preparing for his family. Also, the armed forces are always planning (specifically strategic planning) to gain competitive advantage to the enemies of the state. Even we, students, plan what we’ll gonna do during the day or the activities that we’ll do for this day, maybe this week or probably for this month. But have we thought about planning for our future? This question is so tough that, I, personally have questioned myself (it’s really mind-boggling).

as of this time, i have lots of things in my mind on what i want to be or who will be "mariechelle" in the future. probably i still have to organize my ideas on it (toink, i still have to practice my writing isn't it?).


Kate said...

hi, te...

yup, that's right! i totally agree with you. that statement really stuck in my mind...

it has a foreboding aura to it, like a looming premonition that would no doubt happen if we don't change our attitude now.

*i'd appreciate your comments, too...*

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