Monday, September 7, 2009

key factors in publishing a research in top-tier journals

First and foremost, before I discuss the key factors, I just want to say what’s really on my mind right now, doing a research and coming up with a good research topic is really a tough job. As what Ms. Hernandez said above, it needs time, focus, effort and proper funding. I totally agree with that. Almost everyone in the class is really having a hard time in coming up with a good research topic. I think what is more important is it’s usefulness to the people, what I am trying to say is that we should come up with a topic wherein it’s simple but useful. Anyway, as what I have said above, the difficulty of coming up with a good topic is also same as true with publishing a research in the top-tier journals.

Let me discuss it one by one, from the most simple down to the complicated (I am not sure if “complicated” is the right term, hehe). Anyway, I think, one of the simplest factors that a researcher should follow is the standards of writing, most probably the proper citing of references, providing good English or the most appropriate word is the grammar or the proper usage of words. The researcher should also include glossary, perhaps if there are words that are unfamiliar with the readers. Another factor is the presentation of the research. The research should be easily understood by the readers and would catch their attention.

Next, it’s the timeliness and relevance of the information or the research, example; right now we are doing a research with regards to the Green Computing. Yes, it’s timely, since each and every one of us are experiencing global warming and climate change. We should think and research well on how to minimize the emissions of different harmful gases. In the aspect of technology which is one of the major contributors to global warming, we should do something that could lessen the impact of it to the environment by providing means and services that could protect the environment. Of course, the timeliness of the information would result to another factor which is the impact of it to the people.

Then, another factor would be the precision of the research. This would answer the following questions like does it follow the specific standards? Does the source of the information reliable? Was the information correct? Does the information itself is consistent? What are the methods or the methodologies used? Is the methodology appropriate for the research? Things like those.

As the saying goes it is easier to say than doing it. Doing a research is a tough job. As far as I can remember, in one of our class discussions, a good researcher should be patient and should be full of enthusiasm. If we will just persevere and if we will just give and do our best, time will come that everything we’ve done will be rewarded it may not be money but with the blessings from up above.


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